
Simple Penetrator

Simple Penetrator


The Simple Penetrator is the most affordable, simple, and reliable way to make a submersible electrical connection.

Simply install a Simple Penetrator on each device or enclosure and connect them with a length of polyurethane tubing (not included).

Then run your wire or cable through the tubing.  The barbed portion of the Simple Penetrator reliably seals to the polyurethane tubing while the O-ring seals to the surface of the device.

The Simple Penetrator is the most affordable, simple, and reliable way to make a submersible electrical connection.  Simply install a Simple Penetrator on each device or enclosure and connect them with a length of polyurethane tubing (not included).  The barbed portion of the Simple Penetrator reliably seals to the polyurethane tubing while the O-ring seals to the surface of the device.

Any wire or cable, including coaxial cables, can be passed through the Simple Penetrator.  Replacing the wire or cable is easy and does not require removing the polyurethane tubing or removing the Simple Penetrator from the enclosure.

Available in three versions:

  • M6, 316 stainless steel.  Fits 1/4″ OD X 5/32″ ID and 8mm OD X 5mm ID polyurethane tubing.
  • M10, 316 stainless steel.  Fits 1/4″ OD X 5/32″ ID and 8mm OD X 5mm ID polyurethane tubing.
  • M10, 316 stainless steel, large. Fits 8mm OD X 5mm ID and 3/8″ OD X 1/4″ ID polyurethane tubing.

Includes nitrile O-ring and stainless steel nut.


M10, M10 Large, M6


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